Tuesday, July 17, 2007

hello my short-lost friend. smirks. at least u had the decency to remember me (: so i'll forgive & forget. or rather i'll forgive & try to forget. hahaha.
whoopee. i'm getting a supp card. i've been wanting one for quite awhile, heh. but had to kinda regain my parents trust in my spending abilities. but its all good now (: MEHEHEHEEE. this would be what justin calls my devilish laughter.
driving test is next week. gonna be driving almost everyday till then. i like driving alot, makes me feel very in control. however, going round and round same circuits & constantly parking is kinda annoying after awhile -.-
its quite painful & sad how much we've withdrawn from each other's lives now.
i'm so dreading 22nd august ): i can't imagine what its gonna be like when mel leaves.
: hallelujah :: jeff buckley :


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